Saturday 3 January 2015

End of Week 16 and how many more to go, we're not a hundred percent sure.

Well a bit of a seesaw week for me, but in the end it wasn't all that bad. For a while I thought I would lose more shingles on New Years day but I got lucky. I also thought I might have to repull the wire from the house to the garage as I was informed they may not accept that wire buried in conduit. Again got lucky talked to the Electrical inspector and the RW90 I pulled was suitable for the conduit I pulled it in. So hopefully Monday or Tuesday will fill in the paperwork to get a proper inspection on the garage and then that will be fully powered up. So on to the weekly synopsis.

On Sunday I did nothing as we were at my Sisters having a belated Christmas day celebration with the entire family. This was a nice relaxing time and as per normal I probably ate more than I should but what the hay it's Christmas.

On Monday I spent some time wiring up the main wires that we pulled through on Saturday. I also installed plugs on the north, south and east walls. As well I installed a light over the man door outside and installed a plug on the ceiling for a future garage door opener as well as possibly installing my Dust filter system.

On Tuesday I decided it was time to clean up the pile of lumber remains from construction and filled up the truck with all this waste and took it to the dump. 54$ later it was in the dump. Had I been further out in the country I would have just burned it in a barrel or open pile. I also had the roofer here for 2hrs to repair the house roof on the West side and the garage roof. It took 6 shingles to repair the house roof and 15 shingles to repair the garage. When you add this to the 15 I used to repair the porch roof it means that this time I lost 36 shingles. The first time I lost 30 shingles and the winter is not over. I talked to the GAF people and they will be picking up some shingles for testing however I don't believe they will help me with this problem. One of the first questions from the person was did they hand seal the shingles. In all the years I have watched roofers work I have never seen a crew hand seal a roof on initial installation. On repairs yes, but never on initial install. And yes if you read the bundle it says when prolonged cold weather is expected you need to hand seal the roof. Sounds like a "get out of jail free card" to me. Anyway we'll see what comes out of this. I have asked the roofing company what would be the cost of hand sealing the entire roof and it looks like upwards of
1500$ to do this work and less if I can do some and if some of the shingles are sealed. I took a short video of the garage roof on Thursday the 1st and you can see it here. The wind was reported as gusting up to 70 km/hr at the time I took the video, well within the wind limits of the shingle. I also took one load from the storage unit and brought it home to the garage.

On Wednesday I essentially finished wiring the garage for now. Once the equipment is installed I will most likely need to run a few extra circuits however for now it works. I quickly tested it and then shut it down until I can get it inspected. I also brought two loads home from the storage unit. There is one more load left and then one storage unit is empty.

On Thursday I took the final load home from one of the storage units. I then took the video I linked to earlier and decided that if I was going to lose some shingles I did not want to be there so I went home to commiserate. I listened to the wind all day and night and was sure I was going to lose some shingles. Here is a picture once the final load was unloaded. Now all that needs to be moved is the other storage unit that has mostly household goods. This unit had all my tools and garage stuff.

On Friday went to the house and lo and behold no shingles missing. I do know there are some loose ones as the video shows but until the weather is better I cannot get on the roof to fix these. So into the basement I went and worked on installing some of the last walls now that the HVAC people have installed the furnace and the main part of the trunk line. I also needed to get these walls up as I needed to install the last remaining electrical boxes as well prior to the electrician coming on Monday. I also got the happy text this morning from the Electrical inspector that the wire I pulled to the garage was suitable and would not need to be replaced. First picture shows the hallway in front of the utility room, the wall on the left was the one I was working on until I ran out of lumber. The second photo shows one of the bedrooms with the colour coded wire pulled through for the AFCI protected plug circuit

On Saturday first went to my local lumber yard who was now open again after being closed yesterday for inventory and picked up some 2by4's. Went to the house and did some work on the walls around the heating system and then worked on installing some more electrical circuits. I now have almost all of the basememt pulled through with wire. All that's left is the circuit for the lights that needs 3way switch wiring and one circuit needs to be terminated by the main panel. Hopefully this will shorten the amount of time the electrician needs to be there and reduce his bill as well.

Well just looked at the weather and they expect winds with up to 70km/hr gusts on Sunday so keep your fingers crossed that I make it through these winds. Once we have a sunny day with mild temps I will be on the garage roof fixing as much as I can and then waiting for the roofing company to finish the job once I have heard the final results from GAF. So keep all the goods thoughts in your heart for me please.

Thanks and stay warm and safe.


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