Saturday 11 April 2015

We're a little closer to that elusive occupancy cetificate

Ok no attempts and Dutch this week. Other than the weather we had a reasonable week. Even better in that on Tuesday I found out that the local Home Hardware store Penner Lumber has decided to hire me for a part time job starting this coming Monday.This means going to work on Monday, Thursday and Friday with the odd Saturday thrown in. This will help with the finances and keep me busy as well. It will mean though that some of my work time on the house will be curtailed. I'll also have to be a little careful scheduling the last few trades people that I need. So lets begin.
On Sunday I decided to go in and start working on some more wiring. I spent a few hours at the house and managed to wire up the bedroom and bathroom cct. All went well except that the fan and light on the ceiling fan had their wires mixed up such that the wrong switch was controlling the wrong action. This was quickly fixed at the ceiling junction box by switching the two wires around.
On Monday worked on a few more ccts as well as installed all the soffit and facia material I had so that I could calculate how much more I needed to buy. Kinda of interesting when you put the ladder up and it sinks into the mud up to the first rung. Oh well nicer weather is coming that should dry out all this mud.
On Tuesday I installed the Ditraheat matting in the master bedroom. This is a membrane that is cemented down with modified thinset mortar. Once this is dry you install the heating cable and then you can lay down and install your ceramic tile. This went down very smoothly once I cut the matting into manageable chunks. After this was done I finished off installing all the remaining plugs, switches and lights. Here is a picture showing the Ditraheat matting in place.

On Wednesday went to a place call the Wood Shed in Smithville about an hour away to pickup some 10ft long 3by6in fir posts I had cut. This place has lots of different wood from sheet to rough stock. While there I also ended up picking up some clear cedar tongue and groove material 3ft long to use as soffit material in my side porch. I'll most likely go back and pick up some tongue and groove pine later on for the front and rear porch. I had also picked up the remaining soffit and facia the day before so once I got to the house I installed some of the soffit and facia until the rain stopped me. So since we couldn't work outside might as well work on the inside. I then proceeded to start wiring up the main panel. Once I had wired in around 4 ccts I would re-energize the panel and check out the ccts. I was quite pleased in that once complete I only had three issues. 2 were easily solved however the third one was a bit of a poser. In the third cct I had a 3way switch going to a 4way switch going to a three way switch and then powering two lights in the basement hallway. I had proceeded to get a wiring diagram off of the internet showing a cct setup. When rough wiring I ran 14/3 wire between the switches as required. When I wired it up I wired it exactly as the diagram showed. Power to the first common screw, travellers to the four way and then another set of travellers to the 3way and the wire from common screw to the lights. On the diagram the first set of travellers is wired up to the input side of the switch and it shows them as the top two screws and then the bottom two screws as the output to the next switch. Well when powered up the lights did not work as advertised. They would only work when the switches were in certain positions not as they should. After some head scratching I pulled out the other 4way switch I had and was about to start metering it when I noticed that the writing on the back stated that the input was the two screws on one side and the output was the two screws on the other side. So this switch was wired 90deg different then the wiring diagram. Once I rewired it all worked as it should. Thanks for small miracles.
On Thursday I did some more work on the main panel as well as I finished off installing all the soffit and facia. I am now ready to have the gutters installed next week Tuesday. The house looks a lot better with the facia installed on the front and rear as it was all winter without this. Here is a picture of the front of the house with all the metal soffit and facia installed.

On Friday I finished wiring up the main panel. In between wiring up ccts though I had to go out to nail down and then glue down with Tar some shingles on the garage roof that were flapping in the breeze. We had some gusty winds up to 80kmh and when it goes over 70-75kmh I get nervous and watch the roof. Although some of the tiles have glued themselves down I still have quite a few that are still showing a little sail and have not set themselves yet. After finishing the panel I started to lay out and cut some of the ceramic tile for the bathroom in preparation for tiling. Here is a picture of the completed main panel. 

On Saturday I spent 4 hours working on installing tile. First we had to test and install the heating cable. When doing this you need to stay 3in apart, 3in from walls and covered spaces, and 8in away from other heating sources. The cable kit I had was good for 32sqft of coverage and it worked out perfectly as will be seen in the accompanying photo. Then 2 bags worth of thinset later and all the tiles were set with 1/4in spacing. It all worked out pretty good and I think with the exception of one tile by the heating vent they all are nice and level with their neighbours. Interestingly although I had two bags from the same company, one of the bags seemed to mix up better than the other. Hopefully this will not effect the strength of the bond. Here is a picture of the tiles after the heating cable was installed. The thermistors are in the middle of the picture. There are two of them so there is a spare one in case one fails. The second picture is after all the tiles were installed.

Well that's all for this week. Next week we get our electrical inspection on Tuesday and that will dictate the speed at which I get my occupancy certificate. If all goes well then maybe in a couple of weeks I can get occupancy. If not then it will depend on what needs to be redone and how long that takes.

Well until next week have a great time enjoying the sunshine that is finally coming our way.


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