Saturday 1 August 2015

The garage is looking a little red faced.

Well the temps have really been up this week. It was definitely warm working in the sunshine. Therefore I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible.
So on Tuesday this past week I had a Dr's appt in the morning so was unable to work on the garage till after lunch. After lunch I decided to start on the east side of the shed as this would be in the shade as much as possible. Once the east side was done I moved over and did the south side. This was a little warmer than I really wanted so once this was done instead of moving to the west side I went to the north side and started work on installing some stone work. Since I had laid out some stone earlier I did not have to choose stone I just mortared it up. I managed to get the area to the right of the man door done. I also did about 50% of the two sides of the garage door area. Later once it has set I will lay out more stone in preparation for the next stone laying day. So at the end of the day this is what I had a shed partially sided and some stone work done.

Well on Wednesday I started work on the west side of the shed early in the morning. Once this was done I progressed onto the  west side of the garage. However the sun managed to catch up to me and I was working on the west wall in the afternoon sun. Luckily there is a large tree on the neighbours property and this did help shade me a little. By 5pm I had managed to finish the entire wall. I had started the lower portion from the north side of the west wall. At the ten foot level I installed a vinyl "j" flange to accept the top portion of the siding and above that I installed a metal flashing for water drainage. The upper gable end siding would end up 1/4" above this metal flashing. Once I started on this upper gable I was careful to ensure that the siding would stay in line with the lower pieces. I was successful in that this did work out. I don't think anyone batten is out by more than an 1/8 of an inch. Later that evening I started work on the front porch stairs by boring one of the holes required for the two railing posts at the bottom of the stairs. So here is a picture of the completed west wall of shed and garage.

For the remainder of the week I had to work so very little work was done. On Thursday night I installed one of the posts and started to bore the next hole. On Friday night I installed the second post as well as laid out some more stone work for the next time I mix mortar. Tonight on Saturday I spent some time digging out the dirt where the concrete pad will sit for the front steps. Here is a picture of the front step area after I soaked the back half of the excavation with water to help settle it. The reason for this is the front half is undisturbed soil but the back portion lies on top of the area where they dug a trench for the hydro and other utilities. 

Tomorrow will spend some time at Mom's place and Monday is a holiday here so we should be able to keep working on installing more siding along the rear of the garage. I might also get a chance to lay some more stone. Unfortunately I will have to work the remainder of the week so very little work will get done in the later half of the week. 

Until next week keep cool and enjoy the weather.


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