Saturday 17 October 2015

Well we're back to work so the process slows down.

Well went back to work this week after two thanksgiving dinners. Because of all this the amount of work down went down however the result is in my mind astounding.

So on Sunday we prepped all the teak pieces for the top rail of the wainscoting. Because of the length of some of the pieces we needed to joint two boards for two sides. As well we would need to joint the boards in the corners. To do this we used biscuits. As we went along and dry fitted the pieces I was quite happy to see that only one corner needed to have the angle cut adjusted slightly to allow the two pieces to fit together snugly. After this was done went over to the Sister's place for Thanksgiving Turkey with Mom and the Sister's kids and inlaws.

On Monday fully installed the top shelf of the Wainscoting and also managed to give it it's first coat of varathane. Once complete the top rail will have between 5-6 coats of varathane and the plywood body will have 3 coats. Here's a picture showing the top rail installed with its first coat of Varathane.

Once this was done the Brother showed up for a tour with the clan. After their stamp of approval we went of to Mom's house for a family supper. 

On Tuesday I continued working on the wainscoting by starting to install the trim that would frame out the panels in the work. We cut up all the teak we had and once down calculated how much more we would need to buy to finish the job. As well I needed to install some "fill out" strips on the patio door to flush out the jambs to allow me to install the casing at a later date. As well this strip had to be installed prior to the last piece of teak was installed that would butt up to this fill out strip. 

On Wednesday we finished of the trim work and gave the wainscoting its first coat of varathane.
Here's a photo showing the completed work along with its first coat of Varathane.

The small strips on the saw horses are the pieces that will be used to cover the flooring joint by the baseboard as well as the small gap along the wall where the top rail is installed. This top portion will go in once the window casing is installed and the bottom portion once the Bamboo flooring has been installed. I hope to order this flooring within the next week or so.

On Thursday we went back to work so all we did once we got home was sand the wainscoting and give it its second coat of varathane. 

On Friday went out for dinner so no work and to be honest after work on Saturday I just did not have the energy to do more than sand the wood slightly and get it ready for its third coat of varathane. 

So next week I plan to finish varathaning the wood and start to work on the kitchen cabinets. As well if there's some spare time I might also try and finish the grouting of the bathroom tiling and start painting the spare bathroom and bedroom. So until next week keep warm because I hear that snow has reared its ugly head in some areas near me. I really wish we could keep the temperature a nice
21degrees C  for 364 days a year and then just one day of snow for the kids on Christmas. Oh well I can dream can't I?

See you all next week.


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