Saturday 3 October 2015

And the work continues

As I said going stir crazy not being able to do much work so relegated to doing small light jobs. But at least we continue to move forward. It's amazing what a nice lawn does. I've had numerous people stop and compliment me on how my new lawn has progressed. I've even been asked what was my secret for such a nice lawn so quickly. Just shows that people are still looking around and not fixating on the road ahead. Unfortunately with the cooler weather and inability to move wheelbarrows of dirt the remaining lawn seeding will happen next year. On a sad note I'm sorry to say Drew your plants have finally started giving up the ghost. I guess they just don't like overnight temps in the low single digits. Anyways onto the story for this week.

On Monday we finished making and installing the doors for the Laundry cabinets. After test fitting them all we removed them and prepared them for a coat of primer. Here are two pictures showing the doors prior to being removed.

On Tuesday we just spent some time priming all the doors on both sides.

On Wednesday we first went to the Doctor's office and had my stitches removed. The Nurse who did the procedure advised me that it looked real good and that starting next week Monday I could start some serious bending and stretching of the and wrist area to get everything back in shape. Based on our conversation it looks good for going back to work on the 15th of October. Thankfully I'll be getting a paycheque again. Later that day we spent some time putting the first coat of Semigloss white on all the doors and drawer fronts. Here's a picture showing some of the doors while they are drying after their coat of paint. Let me tell you they're right, it's painful watching paint dry. Had to leave and visit Mom for a while.

So Thursday morning took a road trip to Exotic Woods in Burlington to pick up my Teak plywood. What a place they had all sorts of wood that I'd never even heard of. If anybody is looking for exotic wood that lives in the Golden Horseshoe area of Lake Ontario that is the place to go. They're on the web Exotic Wood. In the afternoon we installed a few tiles over the shower and the cut out most of the tiles required to start the two side wall and to finish the last row on the back wall. Hopefully this coming week I'll be able to finish this job and then be able to paint the spare bathroom and the spare bedroom. I also decided that I better start moving the rest of my furniture and effects out of the garage and into the house. So I started by moving some boxes into the basement to be stored there until they can get moved to their final resting place as the house gets finished. I want to get everything moved before the weather gets too bad. As well I've noticed that some of the furniture is getting a little mold on it from the humidity of the air in the garage.

On Friday we gave all the doors a second coat of paint on the face of the doors in the morning. Later in the evening we managed to install the lower cabinet doors and the drawers. The upper cabinet doors were not installed in case I decided to put a third coat on them. In between we made a few trips back and forth with the dolly moving boxes. This will take a few days as I am not pushing myself and damaging the incision that is healing nicely.

Today we installed all the teak plywood for the wainscotting. Actually went pretty well with one minor exception. I had all the pieces laid out to match as close as possible to their neighbours. When this was done I had two pieces that were darker than the others. This would not be an issue as I had one small wall that only needed two pieces so that's where they would go. However as I was cutting out the last electrical box opening on the last piece before this short wall I dropped my jigsaw and punched a small hole through the sheathing. So one of the darker pieces now had to be moved into its place. Luckily this was in a corner so that both darker pieces now occupy either side of the corner. It all worked out but there were definitely a few cuss words spoken when the incident occurred. Once this was done we decided to install the upper cabinet doors and then I installed the two taps on the copper stub outs for the laundry sink. When building the base cabinets I knew that the cold pipe was going to be close to the outer cabinet wall. The intent was to install the tap before installing the cabinet. However I went a little to fast building the cabinet and forgot to install the tap. Luckily Lennox makes a small tubing cutter that can cut off a pipe within a 1/2" of the wall. So we bought one and it worked like a charm. Actually much better than the other small cutter I have. Even worked better than the bigger cutter as well. So here are some pictures showing the Wainscotting and the completed cabinets as well as the two taps with the cutter I used on my hand.

Well that's it for now. Next week we have a counter top company coming in to measure up for a counter for the cabinets and I hope to start work on the upper cabinets for the kitchen. I also want to make a decision on the flooring so that I can place the order for this as well. So until next week have a great week and please ask for the heat to be turned back on. Waking up to 9C weather is not the greatest.

All the best


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