Saturday 21 March 2015

And the painting continues

Well this week was all about painting, with a little bit of drywall and electrical thrown in for good measure. My guess is that I've got at least a week of solid painting to go and possibly more since I'll probably work on other things in between. As well I plan on letting the paint thoroughly dry between coats.
On Monday I spent time priming the spare bedroom, the spare bathroom as well as the front hallway. I only had the back entrance left to do but ran out of paint and since it was late in the day did not feel like opening a new can just for the one room.
So on Tuesday we opened the new can and finished the side entrance and the three small storage cubicles I have. By the time I was finished I had used up approximately 50 litres of paint through the entire main floor. I have a sinking feeling that the paint budget might be woefully inadequate. Oh well just one of the joys of building a house. Nothing every gets finished on time and nothing costs what you think it will.
On Wednesday I spent the day driving back and forth to London Ont to bring my Mom to visit with my brother for a few days during spring break. The brother and half the family brought her back today. So we spent no time at the house working.
On Thursday I spent the day starting to put up the first coat of Flat ceiling paint. Let me tell you painting white on white is not an ideal situation. I really wish I had bought that paint that changes colour when it dries so that you can see where you've been. You really had to look close sometimes to figure out where you stopped and started. Oh well just one of the joys of painting. Another one of the joys is painting the stairwell. Later on I plan on installing my scaffolding in there when I paint the final ceiling coat. Then once the ceiling is done I'll paint the two coats of wall paint before removing the scaffold. So for now to paint the corners we need to improvise to be able to reach 12ft above your head. Well as the attached picture shows this is how I improvised, I taped the brush to the extend-able painters stick.

On Friday finished up with the first ceiling coat and then put a coat of semi gloss in two of the storage cubby holes. I plan on using white semi gloss in all the closets as well. Once I finished the painting I spent some time downstairs installing some drywall  and installing plugs, switches and light fixtures. The circuits weren't livened up just wanted to put the fixtures in. I also went out and bought 16 more sheets of drywall and with the Brother in laws help brought them down stairs. Once they are installed I should be short just a couple of sheets but we'll she how that goes.
On Saturday I decided to paint the light brown paint that will go in my Master bedroom. I've decided that not only will this light paint go in the recess but it will also go on the ceiling. As the Brother stated when he came today, boy is this room going to be dark. Well that's the whole intention. I want a nice cosy dark room for sleeping in. Here are two pictures a before and after of what that first coat of brown looks like.

After cleaning up I decided to try and install all the drywall I had picked up yesterday so that I could see how many more sheets were required. Well did not quite get that done before the family showed up. However I anticipate I will need another three sheets and then the drywall installation will be complete. So we'll finish that next week Monday or Tuesday.

Well that's it for this week. Next week will be another week of painting and possibly some tile flooring work. Going to order the Ditra heat materials on Monday or Tuesday and should be able to install the Ditra material at least I hope by end of week.

Until then have great week.


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