Saturday 7 March 2015

There is a light at the end of the tunnel

Well it's been a dirty week at the jobsite. That's one result of mudding and taping, you get a lot of pieces of mud on the floor. However the work is almost done. The drywaller figures to do the final sanding on Monday and if nothing goes wrong he'll be done and that should be the last of the trades people that need to be hired on the job until the brick work gets done later this spring. This won't be a long post in that other than drywalling not much else happened on the job site.

Yours truly did the following, I primed and then painted two coats of semi-gloss white in my storage room. I then livened up the electrical cct in that room which also includes the sump-pump. This allowed me to remove the extension cord I was using and thereby was able to fully close the cold cellar door. Here are two pictures showing the storage room all painted the sump pump is in the cold cellar behind the door in the first picture. Now all that I need to do to make it functional is install some shelving at the one end.

The only other thing I did this week was work on mudding the North basement bedroom. This is one of two completed rooms in the basement. The other is one of the rec rooms that is full of my tools and other junk. I did not work at a furious pace and left plenty of time for the mud to dry between coats. I have now finished mudding and am halfway through final sanding. Will the job be as good as the professionals upstairs, no. However I am improving and for a basement bedroom it is fine. The rest of my time was spent watching the drywallers work and doing crossword puzzles. For info here is a picture of the house at the end of today in the living room area. Sorry no picture of the bedroom.

Since the HVAC people have finished installing the heating system and hot water tank I can now have my gas inspection. Once that is done on Monday, and we pass, I will be able to finish installing the rest of my drywall in the basement. As well once the drywallers are finished I can go around clean up, finish sand, and then prime all the surfaces as well as finish painting the ceiling. I have a paint colour picked out for the bedrooms, now I just have to pick out a final colour for the walls of the rest of the house. Then we need to install the underfloor heat in the master bedroom, then choose tiles for the floor and above the shower, pick a vanity, etc etc. The decisions will be coming fast and furious now in the decoration department.

One little side note. I knew that I was building an airtight house. Well the proof has really been evident this past week. The humidity level in the house is almost off the scale. I've had to turn the HRV(heat recovery ventilator) on full time just to help get rid of the humidity. As well I have a dehumidifier working almost full time that fills up a bucket of water every 24hrs. It was working so hard that the unit froze solid and I had to use a heater to defrost it. Once the HRV was running we managed to get the humidity down to 58% however It needs to go lower which will happen as all the drywall mud dries. Once I've primed the walls I hope the HVAC guys return to install the proper thermostat for the furnace and HRV and then it will run as needed.

Earlier on my Blog I talked about having issues with my shingles not sitting flat and therefore being susceptible to strong winds. I complained to GAF about this and submitted a claim. Well they came back and denied my claim saying that Blow off is not covered by warranty when you do not hand seal the shingles during installation in cold weather. Nowhere in the letter did it talk about the problem in regards to raised shingle tabs. So I contacted them again and they said if I felt they made a mistake to ship more shingles to them with this problem and their lab will look into it. I don't think I will win but I intend to continue this fight as long as possible. Stayed tuned for a Youtube video on my issues.

Last week I mentioned going to an interview with Home Depot. Well at this time they have advised me that they will keep my application on file but that they have no openings for me. Oh well maybe one of the other applications I submitted will come to fruition. Building a house can be quite expensive especially if you want to do it right.

Well thats it for now. The sun is starting to shine the temp is warming up and summer is on its way. Now if only the lottery gods would shine upon me as well.


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