Saturday 14 March 2015

The joys of painting

Well I will apologise right away because there will be no pictures with this blog entry. First of all I left the camera at the house and secondly the photos won't be all that different than the last few. After all how many times can you look at a picture of a room with just primed drywall.
It has been a decent week here. Sunshine has finally started to arrive and this of course brings warmer temperatures so that we will now be dealing with water, mud and settling fill around the foundation.
However on to the story. First of all the drywallers finished on Monday evening around 7pm after all the sanding was complete. During this time I had the furnace vents blocked as well the furnace was turned off. I ran my electric heater to keep temp up. While they were sanding upstairs I finished off the north basement bedroom such that it is ready for a coat of primer. Of course what do you need to do once they are finished, well clean house of course. I spent the next two days carefully cleaning all the dust and excess drywall mud up. I carefully wiped down the walls to get as much dust off them as possible without scratching the walls. I learned really quickly that this new drywall mud is really dainty. It does not take much to put a scratch into it. The mudding crew actually told me to leave the dust and just paint over it as a vacuum brush would scratch the drywall mud. Well maybe some of the painters do this however I was not about to paint over all that dust. I bought a fairly soft brush and carefully wiped down the walls and no scratches were left by my brush.
On Wednesday the plumber came down to install a dedicated dishwasher line from the HWT directly to where the DW will be. I added this last minute and thankfully the plumber had some free time so was able to come down and finalize this. Of course this also meant he could hand deliver the bill as well and get his cheque. Previously on Monday the gas inspector came and passed all the Gas work. So with these two items taken care of I can now finish the remainder of the drywall installation.
On Thursday and Friday I started priming the entire house. By end of day on Friday I estimate 70% of the house has been primed upstairs. Next week Monday I'll finish the priming and the start painting the ceiling with it's two coats of ceiling paint.
Today I spent the morning installing the remainder of the drywall I had in the basement. With this installed I can calculate how much more I need to finish all the drywall. Looks like I need another 14 sheets of drywall 4by8ft. I'll probably pick them up sometime next week and finish this chore during the week. In the afternoon went out with Mom and the sister and brother inlaw to choose some paint colours and to pick-up the bathroom tile I had decided on last week.  Always nice to have a feminine touch when doing this. I've chosen a dark brown for the bedroom, an off blue for the bathroom and for the majority of the house a cream colour. One extra splash will be a red wall behind the desk in the office area. It will take a few weeks but hopefully it all works out and the pictures will hopefully show this as well.
Other than dealing with a broken laptop that's been my week. Well that and a broken tooth that needs repairing but can't use glue on that.

Well until next week keep dry and lets hope that sunshine continues.


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